L-Imperatrice EDT 100Ml

L-Imperatrice EDT 100Ml

Light Blue Eau Intense EDP 100Ml

Light Blue Eau Intense EDP 100Ml

Light Blue Pour Homme Eau Intense EDP 100Ml

A more intense escape into the Mediterranean blue. A chilled citrus cocktail of refreshing mandarin and frozen grapefruit gives the top notes a cool, elegant twist. Aromatic juniper dives into the heart of salty, aquatic accord, conjuring the translucent blue water... Read More
Location: Panama City Tocumen International (PTY)

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Availability: In stock
A more intense escape into the Mediterranean blue. A chilled citrus cocktail of refreshing mandarin and frozen grapefruit gives the top notes a cool, elegant twist. Aromatic juniper dives into the heart of salty, aquatic accord, conjuring the translucent blue water of the Mediterranean sea. An abundance of vibrant amber woods wrapped in musks extends the radiance and staying power of this masculine blend, leaving a potent trail that captures the innate sensuality of the Light Blue man.

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